Par Score: 90,000,000
Score: 30,000,000
Gems: 440
Gold: 100
Starting Resources
Gems: 0
Gold: 160-180
Notable Enemies

0:00 – Building gold
Immediately switch to zesshikai over to build gold. You want build around 360-390 gold. Try not to build over 400; otherwise exiting the next zesshikai will be rather difficult.
0:10 – Building gems
Switch back to normal mode and point-blank the tanks and zako at the top of the stage to start building gems. When you cutback left, switch to laser to take out the next wave of zako and the right Shelob.
0:14 – Moving up
There’ll be some small tanks remaining on the left; wait for them to reach the bottom of the screen before your rapid-shot them for extra gems. Switch to laser to safely take out the second Shelob, then move up to point-blank the zako.

0:28 – Zako on the right
Depending on how the Ouroboros shoots, you may not be able to perfectly point-blank the zako that spawn from the right. Do your best to maximize the gems you collect, but prioritize safety if you get bad RNG.
0:39 – Death ball manipulation
After killing the Shelob, switch to laser and slowly tap-dodge down the left of the screen until you kill one zako (it’s okay if you kill more on accident, but try not to kill too many). During the invincibility, position yourself under the right wing of the Ouroboros, get some damage in, then switch to laser. Once you kill another one zako, move towards and hug the right wall to delay killing the remaining zako. The zako will buy you extra time to herd the death ball as you kill the Ouroboros.
0:53 – Death ball manipulation 2
Take out a small tank on the left with rapid shot, then position yourself under the left wing of the next Ouroboros and switch to laser. Move slightly right to avoid killing all the tanks on the left. When the death ball respawns, move back slightly to the left as needed to take out tanks and herd the death ball.

1:00 – Death ball manipulation 3
Hug the right wall and take out a tank with rapid shot, then wait as the Shelob shoots more bullets. Switch to laser and slowly tap-dodge left as you herd the death ball. You want to avoid killing the 2 small tanks on the left; switch to rapid shot once you get too far left so you don’t accidentally kill them.
1:06 – Exiting zesshikai
Make your way left and up towards the Shelob. As soon as the death ball respawns, rapid shot the small tanks, and start herding the death ball downwards (be careful as the game will speed up while the death ball is active). Damage the Shelob with rapid shot but don’t kill it immediately; wait until the death ball activates again before you kill it. Tap dodge left, then as soon as your gold runs out, rapid shot a small tank to exit zesshikai.
You need to be careful not to kill the Shelob too early for 2 reasons. First, you get more points the more bullets the tank shoots. Second, you need to let your gold run down before you herd the death ball, or you’ll get walled off before you can exit zesshikai. Practice this zesshikai with different amounts of gold so you get the hang of this exit!
1:12 – Rebuilding gold and gems
Use your remaining gems to kakusei the last remaining Shelob; use rapid shot so you don’t accidentally kill any other enemies. Switch to zesshikai over to take out the Astaroth Turret, then switch back to normal mode and rapid shot the Empusa Turrets for gems. Switching out of zesshikai will slow the game down, which makes point blanking the zako easier.